We need YOU!

WE NEED YOU to itch that secret "giving back" scratch and help WDA in 2023.
We only run 4 official competitions per year so your time is not taken up every weekend, but in the build-up to each competition there are jobs to be done and you know the saying "many hands" etc.
If you have an equine interest (or are in a family of someone that does) and can help your club continue to offer events for the local (and not so local) riding community at a friendly venue, we would love to hear from you.
We know you all have many talents beyond your love for dressage and we welcome all offers of assistance, but in particular we are looking for:
An event Whizz - To liaise with and look after our panel of great Judges in the build-up to and during competitions, ensuring they have all they need before & during the event and keeping them updated with Club events into the future.
A Social Whizz - To manage our social media pages and website, ensuring we are always visible, info is up to date and that we are generally looking tip top.
A People Person Whizz - To pull together the Club's existing network and build new ones for sponsorship of events. Also working with the "Social Whizz" ensuring our Sponsors have lots of love and attention throughout the year.
A Super organised Whizz - To make sure that our pre comp checklist is running smoothly, spend some time front of house (with existing committee members) at our events to help answer queries and generally help the committee with some simple admin. Also, to pitch in and help smooth running of our Championship day and best of all, get the party started at our end of year dinner.
If any of this has inspired you to join us (we really hope so) or you have any questions, then please send me Andrea Hails a quick PM via FB or email us and we can have a chat.
We are a friendly bunch, who are just keen to keep a long standing Metropolitan dressage Club in the mix, have a few laughs along the way (whenever possible) and feel like we have just given back a little bit. Hope you can join us.

Website Design by HD Designs. Photos by Horseography. Copyright Warringah Dressage 2020.